Ambassador Thompson's cables from Moscow reported Khrushchev's unusual preoc cupation with Cuba.
辞典例句Moscow recently announced that capital flight last year increased to $ 25 billion.
互联网Alexander Anichkin is a foreign correspondent who was educated in Moscow and now lives in Britain.
互联网Last year Jiri Jaro? ik joined from CSKA Moscow .
去年加盟的是CSKA的 亚罗西克.
互联网Why Jerusalem , and not London, Beijing, New York, Rome or Moscow?
为什么是耶路撒冷, 而不是伦敦 、 北京或纽约 呢 ?
互联网Moscow is fourth with average room rates at $ 218 per night - down 52 % since last year.
莫斯科排在第四(有点无法想象),均价218美元每晚 —— 比起去年下降52%.
互联网It is thought that the 1980 Moscow Village cost around 200 000 000 to build.
互联网Soon Ho was roaming the earth a covert agent for Moscow.
互联网Most Moscow - based reporters went seldom , if at all, and then only in daylight and well - guarded.
俄国记者裹足不前, 或有勇者全副武装 、 白日“到此一游”.
互联网Renaissance Capital, the Moscow investment bank, estimates banks'hard currency stash at $ 110 bn.
互联网Does $ CIVNAME 1's arrogance know no bounds ? Why do your troops threaten Moscow?
难道$CIVNAME1傲慢无礼到这样的地步 吗 ?你的军队竟然有胆威胁莫斯科?
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