Wait in line Like the rest of us, you bleeping Moron!
像我们大家“一样”排队去, 你这个该死的白痴!
互联网Maggie: He is a real scientist, moron. But he has a limo.
他是一个真正的科学家, 笨蛋. 但是他有一辆豪华轿车.
期刊摘选I figure any moron in the world can generate work for themselves tie up their time.
期刊摘选Well sir, so you actually think you're a moron?'the professor asked.
教授问啦“那么,你是真的认为你很愚蠢 吗 ? ”
期刊摘选Where a moron can beat a wise man frequently? ONLINE poker room.
在什么地方傻瓜老是能打败聪明人? 网上扑克赌场.
期刊摘选And among the 6 per cent who gave other reasons, one said " CEO is a moron "
有6%的人给出了其它原因, 其中一个人说: “ CEO是个白痴 ”
期刊摘选He's an absolute moron!
辞典例句Dante: Wish you would have told me that in the first place, ya big mouthed moron!
但丁: 你应该一早就告诉我这些, 你个大嘴巴的笨蛋!
期刊摘选Matthew: I think this kangaroo court is a terrible idea, you moron.
马修: 我觉得这个私设法庭的主意很烂, 你这个白痴.
期刊摘选You got something on your shirt . What's on your shirt? Moron!
你衬衣里有些东西. 那是什么? 蠢蛋!
电影对白You moron─now look what you've done!
牛津高阶英汉双解词典a moronic stare
牛津高阶英汉双解词典Joe should be put in jail for calling me a moron.
期刊摘选You again? Why couldn't I hallucinate someone who's not a moron?
你,又? 为什么我就不能幻觉出一个不是笨蛋的人?
期刊摘选Don't leave it there, you moron!
朗文当代高级英语词典 第6版Our CEO is a real moron. I won't do what he says next time.
我们的CEO真是笨蛋, 我下次再也不听他的了.
期刊摘选And I'd be a moron, too.
期刊摘选Live like a moron, Live like a moron.
像傻瓜一样活着, 像傻瓜一样活着.
期刊摘选The computer a moron.
期刊摘选I used to think that Gordon was a moron...
柯林斯高阶英语词典Sign: U.S. President is a moron.
期刊摘选a moronic TV programme
牛津高阶英汉双解词典You moron!
柯林斯高阶英语词典You've put salt in my tea, you moron.
你把盐放到我的茶里面了, 你这个低能儿.
期刊摘选The consumer is not a moron; she is your wife.
消费者不是傻瓜; 她是你的妻子.
期刊摘选Anyone who isn't diabetic and takes insulin just to get big a moron.
期刊摘选You suck air through your mouth, you moron.
你是用嘴巴吸气的, 你这个白痴!
期刊摘选Bear in mind that the consumer is not a moron.
期刊摘选Too bad the moron you hired shot her in the leg.
期刊摘选They're a bunch of morons.
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