调节器( modifier的名词复数 );<语>修饰语;
Fillers include modifiers, extenders, plasticizer and low friction additives.
填料包括改性剂, 填充剂, 增塑剂和低摩擦添加剂.
辞典例句Phosphorus and boron act as glass flow temperature modifiers.
互联网The cost modifiers in outposts and conquerable stations are now scaleable.
互联网Get information a class's modifiers, fields, methods, constructors, and superclasses.
可以得到这个类的修饰符 、 字段 、 方法 、 构造器和父类的信息.
互联网JIT compiler must respond to required modifiers but can ignore optional modifiers.
互联网Panzer Elite Wirblewind has improved accuracy modifiers against massed infantry.
互联网How do taste modifiers affect tastes?
互联网Context, tense , style and modifiers all perform restrictive functions on semantic opacity.
具体语境和上下文 、 时态 、 文体以及一些附加词对语义不明确具有一定的制约作用.
互联网Psychofeedback. Use power points to boost your physical ability modifiers.
心力回馈: 使用灵能点数来增强你肉体属性调整值.
互联网It reverses the order of modifiers, or simply sentence structure in two connected, called parallel, clauses.
它颠倒了修饰词顺序, 或者在两个连接中被称为平行 、 条目式的简单句子结构.
互联网These access modifiers define how users of the class can access the constant.
互联网Only public and abstract modifiers are allowed for methods in interfaces.
互联网The utterance functions of the modifiers include referent and assertion.
互联网Enumeration members are always public, and no access modifiers can be applied.
枚举成员始终是公共的, 不能应用任何访问修饰符.
互联网List some of the major taste modifiers.
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