调制解调器( modem的名词复数 );
Yes, floppy day , as did 9600 baud dial up modems.
是的, 当时软件是最主要的工具,还有9600波特拨号调制解调器.
——期刊摘选Extra settings for configuring BAD modems that cannot identify proper disconnect tone.
互联网ISDN , though, faces a major challenge from cable modems and DSL technologies.
然而, ISDN面临着来自有线电视Modem和DSL技术的挑战.
互联网Today's modems leave their predecessors in the dust.
互联网Compared to telephone modems, cable has a number of other advantages.
与电话Modem相比, 线缆(Modem)具有很多其它的优点.
互联网You laugh at people with l 4.4 modems.
互联网Shipments of the modems are expected to almost triple this year.
互联网How Cable Modems Work?
互联网Data link: The communications lines , modems and controls between two or more data commumications stations.
数据链路: 两个或多个通信站之间的调制解调器、控制器或通信线路.
互联网Optical modems would then be installed nearby, on towers with good lines sight.
光学调制解调器就会被安装在站点附近, 在泉口上方光线充足处.
互联网Internal modems , on the other hand, reside inside your system unit.
内置的调制解调器,从另一方面讲, 位于机箱的内部.
互联网Cable modems are just beginning to emerge.
互联网How many types of modems are there?
互联网A physical structure that holds multiple modems.
互联网Modems are often used to enable computers to communicate with each other across telephone lines.
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