形式( modality的名词复数 );模式;方式;
Such information includes clairvoyance, telepathy, and modalities of channeling soul through form.
这类信息包括透视力 、 心灵感应及透过身体与灵魂通讯的特征.
——期刊摘选Objective To study the classification and treatment modalities of lung carcinoid tumor.
互联网Treatment modalities include drugs , diet , hemodialysis , peritoneal dialysis and renal transplantation, hemodiafiltration, plasmapheresis and hemoperfusion.
以血液透析 、 膜透析及肾移植治疗尿毒症病人;其他特殊治疗包括血液透析过滤 、 浆分离及血液灌洗等.
——期刊摘选The value of the exponent varies for different sensory modalities.
——辞典例句Objective To study the modalities and the effects of health education the treatment of retrogressive gonarthritis.
互联网Image fusion from multiple modalities can utilize the complementary information to make more accurate diagnosis.
互联网Treatment modalities yield variable results.
互联网Chemotherapy and radiation are more effective treatment modalities as well.
互联网Therapeutic modalities are associated with the quality of life in patients with gastric cancer.
互联网Liver Cancer Screening: Modalities and Benefits Are We There Yet?
肝癌筛查: 方式和益处,我们做到了 吗 ?
互联网The three - dimensional FEM emphasizes the stability and its impossible destructive modalities.
互联网For example , Modalities and non - diatonic scales are used more often than major and minor scales.
在音阶与调性方面不喜爱使用大 、 调,大量使用匈牙利民间音乐经常用的教会调式,或其它民族的音阶.
互联网Conclusion Rational use of various imaging modalities would improve the diagnosis accuracy of spinal tuberculosis.
互联网Recently, newer imaging modalities and advanced molecular markers have emerged.
目前, 新的成像技术和分子标志物已经出现.
互联网Objective To explore the diagnostic approaches and values of the imaging modalities for traumatic renal injuries.
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