mitomycin 丝裂霉素(抗肿瘤药);market if touched 触及市价;milled in transit (商品)在运输途中(中间站)加工的;minimum individual training 最低程度的单独训练;
Fig. 8. The ROC curves for our detectors on the MIT + CMU frontal face test set.
图8. 人脸检测器在MIT+CMU的正面人脸检测库上测试,得到的ROC曲线.
互联网Free lecture notes, exams and other resources are published at ocw. mit . edu.
免费的讲义 、 试卷以及其他资源在 edu网上发布.
互联网Esther Duflo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) received more recommendations than any other economist.
在推荐数量上,麻省理工学院 ( MIT ) 的埃丝特?迪弗洛(EstherDuflo)无人可出其右.
——期刊摘选And before that she taught at MIT for 6 years.
互联网Researchers at MIT are limiting their work to two kinds of agents.
互联网An excellent MIt'site that demonstrates exactly how to continue a chosen metaphor throughout a website.
互联网Spanish I is very different from other classes at MIT.
互联网Kerberos was developed at MIT in 1998 s.
Kerberos协议 是80年代由mit开发的一种协议.
互联网Outlined are technical content of MIT array induction imaging tool newly developed in China.
互联网And then you have a couple places like MIT and Carnegie Mellon.
互联网And MIT's Genome Research Team, 2001.
麻省理工学院基因研究小组, 2001.
电影对白The MIT team's new lithium battery contains manganese and nickel, which are cheaper than cobalt.
MIT团队的新型锂电池含有锰和镍, 二者都比钴要便宜.
互联网Analyze the security of the new MIT Card.
互联网Their study is the latest milestone in MIT's long association with chaos theory.
互联网Venkatraman , N . IT - Enabled Business Transformation. Cambridge, MA: MIt'sloan Management Review, Winter 1994 , pp . 73 - 87.
实现资讯科技的商业转型. 剑桥, 麻州: MIT史隆管理评论, 1992秋, 第7-21页.
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