拼写错( misspell的过去式和过去分词 );
Misspelled words, poor grammar and incorrect punctuation bounced off the page.
其中错误的拼写 、 差劲的语法和不正确的标点跃然纸上.
期刊摘选These errors can include incorrect syntax, misspelled keywords, and type mismatches.
这些错误可以包含不正确的语法 、 拼错的关键字和键入不匹配.
期刊摘选Sorry I misspelled your last name.
柯林斯例句Ad includes misspelled words and grammatical errors.
互联网Iris crossed out all the misspelled words and wrongly used prepositions.
互联网Added option to produce a list of misspelled words from standard input.
互联网If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know?
要是字典里有字写错了, 我们怎么才能知道?
互联网All comments should pass spell checking. Misspelled comments indicate sloppy development.
所有注释要经过拼写检查. 拼写错误的注释表明开发的草率.
互联网Jim, you misspelled this long word.
吉姆, 这个长单词你拼错了.
互联网The misspelled word is the input word with the indicated character deleted.
互联网Susan: You might be right. The name of the park is misspelled on the tickets.
苏珊: 你可能说对了. 门票上面游乐园的名字还拼错.
互联网Iris crossed out all the misspelled wordswrongly used prepositions.
互联网Found % 1 misspelled words in % 2 pages.
互联网Found % 1 misspelled words in 1 page.
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