The photographer was cited for two misdemeanor counts of assault and battery.
——期刊摘选Juveniles, like adults, can be charged with a felony a misdemeanor, or an infraction.
青少年和成年人一样, 被指控为重罪 、 行为不端或违反.
——期刊摘选However, the same offense might be either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on its degree.
然而, 同样的犯罪, 根据所犯罪的程度不同可能是重罪也可能是轻罪.
——期刊摘选Any misdemeanor committed while wearing a red mask is considered a felony.
——期刊摘选It is a misdemeanor to show movies that depict acts of felonious crime.
互联网She was ticketed for misdemeanor driving with a suspended license.
互联网Certainly, this to the young magian's movie fan, this is not a misdemeanor.
当然了, 这对少年魔法师的影迷来说, 这并不是一件坏事.
互联网Areacknowledged, certainly is not the misdemeanor.
互联网The judge voided the original ten - year prison sentence, instead finding the man guilty of a misdemeanor.
法官驳回了原来10年有期徒刑的判罚, 转而对该男子从轻判决.
互联网Since when does a misdemeanor drunk - in - public need 2 detectives?
电影对白He is charged with several misdemeanor, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance.
辞典例句Jenna and Barbara Bush both face misdemeanor charges.
互联网Why little ate has also become the misdemeanor?
为什么少吃一顿也成了坏事 呢 ?
互联网However, conviction of a single misdemeanor ( minor offense ) have no effect on a student's immigration status.
互联网Their criminal jurisdiction extends to misdemeanor offenses that occur within the limits of their geographic boundaries.
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