There are four hydrocarbon source rocks, Palaeocene, Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene.
西湖凹陷发育古新统 、 始新统 、 渐新统及中新统四大烃源岩系.
互联网Miocene mammalian footprints have been recently identified from several Late Miocene localities in Iran.
互联网One of the most noticeable features of the Middle Miocene rock layers was their periodicity.
互联网A large extinct ground sloth of the family Megatheriidae of the Miocene Epoch through the Epoch.
互联网Great Barrier Reef was formed in the Miocene period, 2500 years have elapsed since the historical.
大堡礁形成于中新世时期, 距今已有2500万年的历史.
互联网Miocene formations ( better: strata ) are well - exposed in this area.
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