民兵组织,民兵( militia的名词复数 );
Only by offering credible protection could the Americans undermine the militias.
互联网Beatings , looting and arson by marauding militias have created an atmosphere of fear and insecurity.
这些民兵盗匪在村落里打人 、 抢劫和纵火,制造了恐慌不安的气氛.
互联网The neighborhood was a battleground for Shiite and Sunni militias.
互联网Town Militia are commoners andlevied into local militias to defend and bolster armies , armed with spears.
城镇民兵不穿盔甲, 使用短矛作战. 他们来自城镇平民,应征入伍防御自己的家园.
互联网Hussein joined a group of half a dozen or so major powerbrokers with their associated militias.
互联网He says the militias used to attack people but now everythings is good.
互联网He says the militias used to attack people but now everything is good.
互联网These militias are organised around city quarters and surrounding towns.
互联网Local militias play an important role in Italian armies.
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