Zhamnov, 22, signed for $1.25 mil over three years.
柯林斯例句The graphics developed by this effort comply with MIL - D - 28003, the CALS Computer Graphics Metafile ( CGM ) standard.
通过这种方法建立的图形符合MIL-D-28003, 即持续采办与全生命周期保障(CALS)计算机图形元文件 ( CGM ) 标准.
互联网This paper describes several key technologys including PCI bus, MIL - STD - 1553 B, PLD and development tool.
然后详细介绍了这些关键技术,包括:PCI局部总线技术 、 1553B航空通讯总线技术 、 可编程逻辑器件和开发工具的使用.
互联网This Gott is always mil uns and cannot possibly be rnit ihnen.
互联网Connector's solderability can meet MIL - STD - 202 F standard . Finish shall be free of contaminants.
产品可焊性符合 MIL -STD-202F标准规定的相关要求,表面不得有污染物.
互联网The idea of a mil ( Massage a thousand pesetas ) was born.
这个masajesamil ( 1000银币按摩一次 ) 的主意便诞生了.
互联网MIL - STD 188 - 220 C protocol is a standard for information exchange among military packet radio C ~4 I systems.
互联网For trace repair, is the trace width under 5 mil are not allowed for repair?
针对线路修补, 是否有要求线径低于5mil的不允许修补?
互联网In the simulations you will be using a modified mil dot reticle.
互联网My MIL bought 1 bag of seaweed last weekend in market.
互联网Mil: One - thousandth of an inch.
密尔: 千分之一寸.
互联网We consult the mechanism of MIL - STD - 1553 B ( 1553 B ) and propose our highly reliable fieldbus system based on Ethernet — ARTC.
在借鉴 1553B 的基础上,研究了高可靠现场以太网系统 - ARTC的主要原理和机制.
互联网Most widely used circular connector in the world. Low cost, rugged and extremely versatile . Meets MIL - C - 5015.
使用最广泛的世界圆形连接器. 成本低, 坚固耐用, 非常灵活,符合MIL-C-5015.
互联网Creo que unas siete mil quinientas pesetas.
互联网The mil dot reticle is the standard in tactical rifle scopes.
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