Determination micronutrient boron for foliar fertilizer by indirect acid - base titration, overcome the inadequate of others method.
采用间接酸碱滴定法,测定叶面肥中的硼含量, 克服了其它方法的不足,试验结果满意,便于应用推广.
互联网A metal trace element ( micronutrient ), essential for plant growth.
植物生长必需的一种微量金属元素 ( 微量营养素 ).
互联网The soybean cake which has been degreased contains rich nutrient contents and active micronutrient.
互联网Iron A MICRONUTRIENT essential for plant growth.
互联网There are many kinds of micronutrient elements contained in foods that are vital to human health.
互联网Selenium is the necessary micronutrient in the living process of human being and animals.
互联网These products are based on advances in food science, micronutrient supplementation and herbal science.
这些产品是根据食品科学 、 微量营养素辅助品和草药科学的先进发展研发而成.
互联网Micronutrient accumulation and depletion in schizophrenia, epilepsy, autism and Parkinson's disease?
精神分裂症 、 癫痫症 、 自闭症和帕金森氏病患者微量营养素积累还是消耗?
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