[医] 微生物学的;
Marine Microbiological Chemistry: Microalgal bioactive product chemistry and renewable energy from microalgae.
海洋微生物化学: 微藻活性产物化学及微藻可再生能源利用.
互联网Objective To establish the microbiological test for Maxing cough syrup.
互联网Microbiological degradation is an effective and environment - friendly method to eliminate DDT pollution.
互联网Microbiological analysis demonstrated non - tuberculosis mycobacteria.
微生物分析显示 非 结核分枝杆菌.
互联网Appearance, Loss on drying, Total Ash , Assay , Heavy Metals, Arsenic, Microbiological.
性状, 干燥失重,含量, 总灰分, 砷, 重金属,微生物.
互联网As plant microbiologist, provide plant microbiological training ( sanitation ) and consultation.
作为工厂微生物专家, 提供全厂的微生物培训 ( 卫生 ) 和微生物方面的咨询.
期刊摘选Related Experience: Minimum 1 year experience in Chemistry laboratory or Microbiological laboratory.
工作经验: 至少1年理化实验室或微生物实验室工作经验.
互联网The relationship of Bdellovibrio and microbiological pollution was observed in laboratory.
互联网General bio - safety standard for microbiological and biomedical laboratories ( WS 233 - 2003 ) .
微生物和生物医学实验室生物安全通用准则WS233 -2003.
互联网RESULTS the best condition and operation method for the microbiological examination of Oestriol Suppository were determined.
互联网Industrial microbiological quality control in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors.
在食品, 制药和化妆品领域中工业微生物含量的质量控制.
互联网Be in charge of all tests in analytical lab and microbiological lab.
互联网Responsible for microbiological analysis operation skill training for the new employees in micro . - lab.
互联网This is called'cold pasteurization'or filtration and achieves microbiological stability without the heat of conventional pasteurization.
这个过程被称为 “ 冷法巴氏灭菌”或者过滤,而不需经过传统的巴氏灭菌的加热过程.
互联网Natural food symbiotic microbiological product obtained from animals and poultry intestinal.
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