Biochip technology was a kind of novel microanalysis technology.
互联网The marked immunoassay technique gives the changes from macroanalysis to microanalysis.
互联网This paper an overview of SPM technology its applications in microanalysis of microelectronics process and devices.
期刊摘选Introduction to the theory of x - ray microanalysis through the electron microprobe including ZAF matrix corrections.
利用包含ZAF基体修正的电子探针,介绍 X 射线显微分析的理论.
互联网The paper reviews the property of elemental sulfur and the progress in microanalysis elemental sulfur.
互联网The structure of unconsumed pulverized coal is different from that of coke according to petrographical microanalysis.
互联网The method belongs to semi - microanalysis category since it takes only 0.
互联网Electron probe microanalysis ( EPMA ) shows that silicon is only substituted for phosphorus.
电子探针分析结果表明,硅只取代磷进入SAPO -5分 子筛骨架.
互联网Method: We performed X - ray microanalysis by X - ray microanalysis instrument.
方法: 应用 X 射线微量分析仪,作电子探针X射线微量分析.
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