megahertz 兆赫[兹];[计]= MegaHertz,兆赫;
Operating at clock speed of 50 MHz in FPGA, the multiplier can meet the demand of DTR.
该乘法器在工作频率为50MHz的FPGA芯片中工作正常, 可以满足光盘的DTR要求.
期刊摘选Bandwidth of the sensor is 300 MHz with SNR 50.
互联网The download rate is 32 Mbps when using 64 QAM modulator in 8 MHz bandwidth channel.
在CATV网 采用64QAM调制技术,每个8MHz带宽的电视频道可提供高达32Mbps的净下行速率.
互联网It has been specifically tested and optimized for TETRA, IDEN and Analog modulation in 800 MHZ bands.
这一装置(统)经专门针对TETRA, IDEN和800兆赫波段模拟调制做过测验,使之达到最优化.
互联网This paper an architecture AVS high definition decoder with the operating frequency of 150 MHz.
互联网This will reset the FM frequency back to 84 MHZ.
互联网The 3 db Bandwidth is 30±5 MHz . The stop - band attenuation ( f _ 0±100 MHz ) is over 35 db except individual frequency points.
三分贝带宽为30±5MHz,阻带衰减 ( f_0±100HHz ) 除个别频率点外,其余都在35db以上.
互联网The clock frequency is 1 MHz. The device samples sensor - read data during the write operation.
时钟频率为1兆赫. 在写操作的过程中,设备从传感器独处的数据总取样.
互联网You can receive our program at short wave 37.5 MHz.
英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语They also emit UHF waves of 225 - 400 MHz.
互联网The oscilloscope bandwidth set at 20 MHz with co - axial probe.
互联网Because of ultrasonic attenuation in organism is proportional to frequency, 2 MHz ultrasonic distance and receiving sensitivity.
超声波在生物体中的衰减与频率成正比, 使用2MHz超声换能器由于衰减大致使穿透深度小、接收灵敏度低、仪器综合灵敏度难以提高.
互联网More improvements on circuit are expected to achieve specified performance for 900 MHz applications in future work.
互联网Sclera - lens angle is measured by using 20 MHz B - scan.
互联网DRM ( Digital Radio Mondiale ) is a digital audio broadcasting system for the frequency below 30 MHz.
全球范围的数字广播系统DRM ( DigitalRadioMondiale ),是一种针对30MHz以下频段的数字声音广播系统.
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