The boundary line between ore body and country rock is distinct, being a meso - epithermal filling deposit.
矿体与围岩界线清晰, 属中-低温热液充填型矿床.
互联网Meso chemical damage constitutive equations of uniaxial and triaxial compression under chemical corrosion are set up.
互联网Foreland thrust belts are developed extensively margin of Meso Cenozoic sedimentary basins in northwestern China.
互联网Rich geothermal resources are hosted in the Meso - Cenozoic basins in Liaoning Province.
互联网The heavy rainfall was resulted from the local meso - and small - scale systems emerging from the mesoscale landform.
强降水是由有利的中尺度地形中局地发展起来的 中小 尺度系统产生的.
互联网Research progresses of meso - damage mechanics were summarized and its significations in metal plastic forming were analyzed.
互联网Therefore, there is a lack of the index soil meso - and microfauna biomass in most published literatures.
因而, 目前发表的大部分文献中均缺少湿生中小型土壤动物生物量这一指标.
互联网The Meso Cenozoic basin in the North Qaidam underwent two generations of deformation.
互联网Many original methods emerged and some well - defined meso - and macroscopic structures were obtained.
互联网The genetic type of the deposit is attributed to meso - epithermal fissure filling type of gold deposit.
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