message 信息;main engine start 主发动机启动;motor end support 电机端座(底座);mesos (Greek=middle) (希腊语)中间的;
The concept of collaborative MES ( manufacturing execution system ) is put forward.
提出了协同MES ( 制造执行系统 ) 的概念.
——期刊摘选After expounding the purpose and the main function of MES, the require - fixed problems forward.
通过对钢铁企业MES系统设计目标和功能模块的阐述, 引出需要解决的主要问题.
互联网To fully address the ERP system implementation gets MES neck bottle.
彻底解决了ERp系统MES实施 的信息获取瓶颈问题.
互联网Dans la pri è re, dans la lumi è re, revoir mes fr è res.
在光明中我祈祷, 再见到我的兄长.
互联网Je tiens à renouveler mes remerciements cordiaux à votre Association.
互联网The current - limiting integration model of SFCL - MES is proposed on its current limiting integration principle.
互联网When my guest c " mes, you a show with me . "
一会儿客人到了, 你一定要给足我面子,明白吗?
互联网Realize Semiconductor MES system will be an added advantage.
互联网MES will improve produce efficiency, rate , and the enterprise's information process will be promoted after actualization.
MES系统实施后,将有效地提高生产效率和成材率, 促进企业的信息化进程.
互联网MES is a key aspect in integrated automation of process industry.
互联网Based on the results , we discussed the boundaries among MES 、 ERP and PCS.
并根据研究结果分析了MES与 ERP、MES与PCS系统的边界划分.
互联网Ensure smooth running and functioning of the company computer system ( ERP, MES ) to support company's objectives.
确保公司计算机系统 ( ERP, MES ) 的稳定动作来达成公司目标.
互联网J'en é tais l à de mes r é flexions, quand j'entendis appeler mon nom.
我正限于沉思之中, 突然我听见叫我的名字.
互联网MES to follow up the progress of manufacturing execution systems work.
互联网There was something about Pearl that mes-merised her.
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