新月,半月板(meniscus的复数);新月,半月板( meniscus的名词复数 );
Objective Investigate the relationship of menisci rupture and articular cartilage injury.
互联网To assess the effectiveness of treatment of menisci injuries by arthroscope.
互联网Result: The reconstructed model consisted of tibia, femur as well as soft tissue such as menisci cartilages.
互联网Meniscal tears and degeneration are very common findings in discoid menisci.
互联网Ho : YAG laser vaporizes, cuts and repairs torn menisci through its photo thermal effects.
钬 激光通过其光热作用,对损伤半月板汽化 、 切割、修整.
互联网Methods: Horizontal and coronal sections of the menisci were conventional sectioned and stained with HE.
方法: 半月板水平面、冠状面常规切片,HE染色.
互联网Results The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MRI in the diagnoses of menisci injury were 86.
结果MRI诊断半月板损伤的敏感性 、 特异性、准确性分别为86.
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