Objective : To study the counteraction of melatonin ( MT ) on the immunodepression induced by cyclophosphamide ( CY ) and dexamethasone ( DEX ).
目的: 研究褪黑素 ( melatonin,MT ) 对环磷酰胺 ( cyclophosphamide,CY ) 、地塞米松 ( dexamethasone, DEX ) 所致免疫低下的对抗作用.
互联网Pineal gland ( or pineal Body ): Endocrine gland in the Brain that produces melatonin.
松果体: 脑内的内分泌腺体,可调节黑素细胞凝集素的产生.
互联网The synthesis methods of melatonin, related tryptaminetryptamine derivatives and substituted indoles are discussed.
互联网Understand the functions of other hormones such as melatonin, prostaglandin and leptin.
了解其它内分泌激素:松果体激素 、 前列腺素及瘦素等的内分泌功能.
互联网Body temperature and the secretion of the hormone melatonin follow the daily cycle.
期刊摘选Repetitive thinking is often a precursor to depression due to mental fatigue and depletion of melatonin.
期刊摘选If you're headed west, take a single melatonin capsule just before bed at your destination.
如果你往西飞, 只要在目的地睡觉之前吃一颗褪黑色素就够了.
期刊摘选They're only speculating that it's linked to decreased levels of melatonin.
期刊摘选The abundant melatonin levels in children is ` believed to inhibIt'sexual development.
期刊摘选Method Pineal destruction and melatonin interference test were employed.
期刊摘选Melatonin is the product of another category, create a new category of health care products.
脑白金既是产品名又是品类名, 创建了一个新的保健品品类.
期刊摘选As a result, he changed a statement, the Melatonin to the detailed description of the function.
于是, 他就换了一个说法, 把脑白金的各项功能详细描述.
期刊摘选These impulses inhibit the production of melatonin.
期刊摘选Banana Besides stablize seronine and melatonin, it also contains magnesium which can relax your muscle.
香蕉除了能平稳血清素和褪黑素外, 它还含有可具有让肌肉松弛效果的镁元素.
期刊摘选Interesting fact: Cherries contain extremely high amounts of Melatonin for helping and keeping the body regulated.
小贴士: 樱桃富含大量褪黑激素,能帮助保持和调节身体状态.
期刊摘选Two , the safety profile of melatonin has not been seriously investigated.
期刊摘选Individual melatonin secretion levels are significantly different.
期刊摘选When puberty arrives, melatonin production is reduced.
当青春期到来的时候, 褪黑激素的分泌减少了.
期刊摘选This article focuses on analysing melatonin in human body fluid and animal tissue fluid by HPLC.
期刊摘选Melatonin in Changzhou and Jiangyin, a long test.
脑白金在江阴和常州, 进行了长达一年的试销.
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