Objective To study the survival function of primary Anorectal malignant melanoma ( AMM ).
目的探讨原发性肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤 ( anorectalmalignantmelanoma,AMM ) 患者的生存状况.
互联网Objective To study the effects of misdiagnosis on the prognosis of anorectal malignant melanoma ( AMM ).
目的探讨肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤 ( AMM ) 误诊对其预后的影响.
互联网Objective : To study the inhibitory effect of ampelopsis on melanoma.
摘要:目的: 研究蛇葡萄素对黑色素瘤的抑制作用.
互联网An incisional biopsy was done which revealed melanoma with 1.2 mm thickness.
——期刊摘选Objective To evaluate the clinical and histopathological features of diffuse choroidal melanoma.
互联网Conclusions: Local resection is a promising method to cure the choroid melanoma.
: 局部切除术治疗脉络膜黑色素瘤是一种有前途的治疗方法之一.掌握好适应征及手术并发症的防治,是保证手术成功的关键.
互联网The metastatic melanoma is seen here to be infiltrating into the myocardium.
互联网Laosi help epidermal cells falling off, effective decomposition of melanoma, skin removed Anhuang.
帮助表皮老死细胞的剥落, 有效分解黑色素, 去除暗黄肤色.
——期刊摘选HN is closely correlated with vitiligo and melanoma in antigens and immune response pattern.
互联网Objective : To investigate the inhibitory effects of lotus seed pod ( LSPC ) on mice B 16 melanoma.
目的: 研究莲房原花青素 ( LSPC ) 对黑色素瘤B16的抑制作用及其机制.
互联网Objective To recognize furthermore the acral lentiginous melanoma.
目的 进一步认识肢端雀斑样痣性黑素瘤.
互联网ObjectiveTo screen the optimum conditions carrying murine melanoma B 16 cells in spaceflights without cares.
互联网CONCLUSION: The monoclonal antibody of PPO was a specific antibody and overexpressed in malignant melanoma.
结论: PPO抗体是一种特异性的抗体,该抗体对恶性黑色素瘤的检测有特异性.
互联网OBJECTIES: The outcomes of patients with metastatic melanoma are poor.
目的: 转移性黑色素瘤病人预后差.
互联网Objective To observe the effect of acidum tranexamicum on melanogenesis of B 16 melanoma cells and mechanism.
期刊摘选Of this group, there were 8,800 deaths, 6,300 from melanoma and 2,500 from squamous cell carcinomas.
而在这组数据中, 有8800人死亡, 6300人有恶性黑素瘤,2500人患有鳞片细胞癌.
期刊摘选A case of acral amelanotic melanoma is reported.
期刊摘选The clinical data of 38 cases of malignant melanoma during 16 years and analysed retrospectively.
期刊摘选The link between melanoma and phototherapy should be the focus of such a study.
期刊摘选To study the inhibitory effect of purified trichosanthin component on the proliferation of malignant melanoma.
期刊摘选Normal rat serum, normal human serum and human melanoma cells were samples in the experiment.
样品采用了正常的小鼠血清 、 正常的人血清以及人体黑素瘤细胞.
期刊摘选People should get medical attention as soon as they notice a melanoma, Trisal said.
期刊摘选Pathology of the bronchoscopic biopsy via LB 6 showed malignant melanoma.
期刊摘选A choroid metastasis from adenocarcinoma of lung presents hemorrhage simulating the pigmentation of intraocular melanoma.
期刊摘选I strike, our skin is a battle ground, I don't want to have melanoma.
我要战斗, 我们的皮肤就是战场, 我不想得黑瘤.
期刊摘选The researchers say the finding could lead to effective drugs to treat melanoma.
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