The growth that the incremental ratio materiality of aeriform investment invests is rapider.
互联网Accountants are required to judge the materiality in accounting practice.
互联网The kernel value on which enterprises rely is changing from materiality to immateriality.
互联网Accelerate breed electronic Information Industry, strive to be predicted in microelectronics technology obtain materiality breakthrough.
加快培育电子信息产业, 力争在微电子技术卜取得实质性突破.
期刊摘选Nevertheless, investor expresses to welcome to any materiality arrange with between meeting Yahoo and Microsoft.
不过, 投资者对会雅虎与微软之间的任何实质性接洽都表示欢迎.
互联网Brew long already Beijing ferry airport stepping the one pace of a materiality eventually jointly.
互联网But the appearance of network auditing put forward the brand - new challenge to the audit materiality.
互联网It a thickness of only 0.3 mm materiality, antishrinking polypropylene is lenslet ledrel tsal qipanshan - shueef regular order.
它的厚度仅为0.3mm, 所用材料是聚丙烯,缩微透镜如同棋盘状有规则地排列.
互联网Materiality on the interior is equally simple with the addition of wood elements wherever possible.
互联网In his memory, this sort is like and treat the conventions that manages far outclass materiality.
在他心目中, 这种类似“无为而治”的管理远远胜于有形的条条框框.
互联网The object's materiality, form, and spatial presence create associations in people's minds like a spatial Rorschach.
实体的物质性 、 形式感和空间感使得人们的脑海中就像空间罗夏测试一样会产生联系.
互联网On what wise , then , ye ask, did this happen in materiality?
你会问, 这在物质上是如何实现的?
互联网A mirror of humanity , art expresses highly personal ideas while exploring materiality at a human scale.
艺术是一面镜子, 它在高度表达个人观念的同时,也从人性的角度揭露了物质性.
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