Lift the cerebral dura mater to exposure greater superficial petrosal nerve, facial hiatus and arcuate eminence.
显微镜下将脑膜抬起,暴露出岩浅大神经 、 面神经裂孔和弓状隆起.
互联网At a dinner party in the home of friends, our host mentioned his highschool alma mater.
在朋友家的一次宴会上, 主人提起一位高中时的校友.
互联网Say no bilge water about the mater.
互联网The choroid plexus is composed of loose connective tissue of the pia mater.
辞典例句The black mater metal plate is called a collector, there.
——期刊摘选The outermost layer of the dura mater.
互联网Suitable for drying all kinds of granules as, granule , block of raw mater ials.
适合各种颗粒状, 块状物料的干燥.
期刊摘选If possible, go and buy jade , no mater how big , what's its shape.
如果允许, 你要去买玉, 一环一块一方一片都可以.
互联网My dear students, Please have some obsession with your mater.
亲爱的同学, 请不要吝啬你的牵挂.
互联网After drying at 110℃ and weighing the mater is ignited at 450℃ and reweighed.
互联网The beverage contained 20 % solid mater , 15.4 % reducing sugars, 0.52 % organic aciand 1.5 % alcohol.
产品含20%固形物, 15.45%还原糖, 0.52%有机酸和1.5%乙醇.
互联网Mater Non Standard equipments, tooling and fixture design and application.
精通非标设备 、 工装夹具的设计以及应用等.
互联网It reflects how much material in a mater.
互联网Mater: She is my fiancee.
马特: 她是我未婚妻.
互联网I need your cooperation in this mater.
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