As an undergraduate, I had a double major of Chinese and Mass Communication.
本人在读大学本科时, 曾主修中文和大众传播学.
互联网Mass communication sometimes arouses resistance in us.
互联网From 1986 to 1987 I was teaching English training courses for students in trade and mass communication.
互联网International business, mass communication and jet airplanes HAs created a globe of globetrotters.
全地球大打工的地方 、 大众传播与喷射机创造了唯一环游全地球者的世纪.
互联网I major in Journalism and Mass Communication in university.
互联网Russians like to make internet stars from amusing or extraordinary people seen in mass communication media.
互联网Technology was not, however, the only prerequisite for the development of mass communication.
但是, 技术并非是大众传播发展的唯一必要条件.
互联网Knowledge in e - commerce , mass communication, creative graphic design, innovative copy writing, and editing.
了解 电子商务 、 大众传播 、 平面创意设计和具有创新性的写作与编辑能力.
互联网Likewise, multiple channels occur in mass communication.
同样地, 多通道传播业发生于大众传播当中.
互联网The importance of news is well known by the public in current mass - communication society.
互联网In more detail, here are some ways in which mass communication is unique.
更详细的说, 大众传播的特定有以下几个方面.
互联网This study is focused on intellectual history of the research of effects of mass communication.
互联网From 1986 to 1987, I was teaching English courses for students in trade and mass communication.
1986年至1987年, 我教过英语培训班,学员来自外贸和大众传播单位.
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