火星人( Martian的名词复数 );
And spearheading the invasion are not homicidal Martians, but old folk.
而先头部队不是杀气腾腾的火星人, 而是老人.
互联网The love between the Venusians and Martians was magical.
互联网Any Martians out there may want to be on the lookout.
互联网The Martians pIainIy knew the strategic significance of the British IsIes.
电影对白Martians value power, competency, efficiency, and achievement.
火星人重视力量 、 力 、 率和成就.
互联网Some people It'seemed had actually seen the Martians!
互联网Martians pride themselves in doing things all by themselves.
互联网If they are Martians, with hearts, they'd beat at a sIower rate.
如果他们是火星人, 而且还有着心脏的话, 他们心跳的频率要比我们低.
电影对白Martians are real only in science fiction.
互联网The Martians had caIcuIated their descent with amazing perfection.
电影对白ALI: Can't you see, Mommy? The Martians are landing.
难道你没注意到 吗 ?火星人着陆了.
互联网But there were Martians.
互联网At that magical moment the Martians also went through a transformation and began building spaceships.
互联网David: Why did they send you here? You know the Martians?
大卫: 为什么他们要把你送到地球上? 你知道的我指的是火星人.
互联网Why? How many Martians dye their hair brown?
为什么? 多少火星人把头发染成了棕色?
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