元帅( marshal的名词复数 );典礼官;执法官;消防局长;
The Federal Marshals took me away in handcuffs to the Santa Fe County Adult Correctional Facility.
时文部分It is unusual for a golfer to batter one of the marshals with his putter.
——辞典例句In the train quickly forward, looking anxiously at the marshals.
列车在飞快地前行, 乘警在焦急地寻找.
——期刊摘选He says that they'll be more like lieutenants instead of generals or field marshals.
互联网It was led by Batu , Juji's son , and Subotai, one of Genghiz Khan's orkhons ( marshals ).
它由拔都e和一位 成吉思汗 的将领率领.
英汉非文学 - 文明史In those years , one specialized in executing marshals and general, very rarely executing violinists.
那年头专毙元帅将军, 不大毙小提琴手.
互联网The marshals were encouraged with plenty of water and sweets.
互联网The marshals who have founded the country are all honest and frank people.
互联网The grand prix is controlled by well-trained marshals.
辞典例句Were you shocked to learn that few flights are protected by air marshals?
你是震动的了解很少一点飞行被空军中将保卫 吗 ?
互联网It marshals the same antibody response to both of them.
辞典例句But local marshals pushed Schumacher out of the barrier zone.
互联网The backbone marshals of Main Army were all trusted follows , relatives and family member of Napoleon.
帝国大军的骨干将帅都是拿破仑的亲属 、 故旧和亲信.
互联网The marshals hired some 650 assistants who traveled by foot and horseback from Maine to Georgia.
百科语句The marshals waved flags to warn the drivers of the danger ahead.
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