IBM has also shifted its focus from mainframes to personal computers.
柯林斯例句Digital priced the new line at less than half the cost of comparable mainframes.
——柯林斯例句Modern mainframes are much faster, executing millions of instructions per second.
现代的大型机要快得多, 每秒钟可执行几百万条指令.
互联网Use to add a group of mainframes or supercomputers to your system diagram.
互联网Unix has taken its place beside many mainframes, where NT would like to sit.
Unix已在很多大型机旁边扎下了根, NT也想这么做.
互联网IBM , for instance, is still making money with mainframes.
比如IBM, 到现在它的主机业务还在赚钱.
互联网Until Microsoft along , the big money was in maintaining a select family of very grand mainframes.
在微软入行前, 资金都投入在维护一系列大型主机上.
互联网His subsequent work with mainframes continued until the mid - 1980 s.
他后来持续使用大型机直到80年代 中期.
互联网But it has existed in the proprietary realms of PBXes and heavy metal ( mainframes or minisystems ).
但它只是存在于用户电话交换机和笨重的铁家伙 ( 大型机或小型机 ) 的专有王国中.
互联网Next, move into higher - end machines such as servers and mainframes.
其次将产品向 高端 市场转化比如说服务器和大型机.
互联网In those days, computers were expensive mainframes.
当年, 计算机都是昂贵的大型机.
互联网A major New England hospital uses twelve operating systems, from mainframes to desktop PCs.
新英格兰地区的医院系统里使用了十二种操作系统, 从大型机一直到个人电脑系统.
互联网This made its mini-computers incompatible with its mainframes.
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