全球最大的网络多媒体软件公司;旗下的软件包括Macromedia Flash;Macromedia Dreamweaver;Macromedia Fireworks;
The newest version of Macromedia Authorware 6.0 was chosen to work.
互联网In fact, both Macromedia Flash and Director follow basic object - oriented models in their own implementation.
事实上, MacromediaFlash和Director在他们自己的实施中都遵循基本的 面向对象 的模型.
互联网What do you like most about working with Macromedia FLASH?
问:在使用FLASH工作的时候,你最喜欢 什么 ?
互联网The behavior scripts are similar to Macromedia Flash scripts attached to symbols, buttons, or movie clips.
行为脚本和MacromediaFlash的符号, 按钮或mc的脚本类似.
互联网Display primary site navigational elements first by using the streaming capabilities of Macromedia Flash.
互联网Display primary site navigation first as Macromedia Flash streams.
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