Efficiency belongs to the normal economics concept and it is hard to define in Macro Economics.
互联网Economic Crisis , which is a phenomenon of the macro - economics, is one of the most inevitable phenomena.
经济危机作为 宏观 经济领域的一大现象, 是市场经济发展过程中不可避免的现象.
互联网Further understand in China Macro - economics, especially Energy, Infrastructure, Finance, and Luxury etc.
对中国的 宏观 经济特别是:能源, 基础建设, 金融, 奢侈品等行业有更深入的理解.
互联网Mundell - Fleming model is one of the basic models of macro - economics in open economy.
模型是开放经济 宏观 经济学的基本模型,其存在的缺陷和局限是理论拓展的主要方向.
互联网I took a series of business courses, both in micro and macro - economics.
我学了一些商业课程, 包括微观经济学和 宏观 经济学.
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