Hyperuricemia is associated with and progression of gout, cardiovascular diseases, tumor lysis syndrome and renal disease.
高尿酸血症与痛风 、 心血管疾病 、 肿瘤裂解综合征及肾脏疾病的引发或加剧密切相关.
互联网After reproduction of the viral nucleic acid the host cell usually undergoes lysis ( LYSOGENY ).
病毒核酸复制后寄主细胞通常要经历裂解过程 ( 溶源状态 ).
互联网Hence, a successful industry ana - lysis will have to identify the underlying fac - tors driving demand and supply.
因此, 成功的行业分析,便须对那些影响供需的基本因素作出辨别.
互联网Objective : To explore the risk factors and treatment of tumor lysis syndrome ( TLS ) .
目的: 探讨肿瘤溶解 综合征 发生的危险因素及其治疗.
互联网However, the recovery of recombinant proteins hinges largely on the ability to effectively induce cell lysis.
然而, 重组蛋白的提取有赖于诱导细胞溶解的能力.
互联网There are three main methods , drop collapse , oil spreading , and blood lysis, to detect biosurfactant production.
生物表面活性剂的检测方法主要有:液滴坍塌法 、 排油圈法和血平板法.
互联网As the final lysis of his disease, his skin returned to its original color.
当他的疾病终于渐退, 他的皮肤恢复为原本的颜色.
互联网Objective To determine the optimal condition of lysis of influenza virus by sodium deoxycholate.
互联网The lysis of the brain takes place only hours after death.
互联网One inclusion was formed within the exosporium and remained with the spore after mother cell lysis.
互联网This leads to the loss of osmotic balance and ATP, and finally to cell lysis.
这会导致渗透不平衡和atp的散失, 并最终导致细胞的凋亡.
互联网At high calcium concentration they fuse without lysis.
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