This strategy has put Cisco on a collision course with heavyweights Lucent Technologies and Northern Telecom.
互联网Funds to buy Lucent's equipment quickly dried up and its growth should have decelerated or declined.
互联网Bell Labs, now a part of France's Alcatel - Lucent , is turning its attention almost entirely towards development.
贝尔实验室现在是法国阿尔卡特朗讯的一部分, 正几乎全面转向开发.
互联网That practice contributed to the bad - debt problem that Lucent disclosed last week.
互联网China's fortunes over the past decade are reminiscent of Lucent Technologies in the 1990 s.
互联网The next day, Lucent's shares lost about a third of their value, falling $ 10 to $ 21.38.
第二天, 朗讯的股票跌幅约为其价值的三分之一,下挫10美元, 以21.38美元收盘.
互联网And it has hastened consolidation among telecoms - equipment vendors such as the Alcatel - Lucent and Nokia - Siemens deals.
这还促成了电信设备提供商之间的合并,比如阿尔卡特 - 朗讯和诺基亚 - 西门子.
互联网Lucent's Inferno is an entire system, designed for embedded systems.
互联网That day, Lucent's shares closed at adjusted value a bit below $ 11.
当天, 朗讯的股票以略低于11美元收盘.
互联网Lucent is suing for patent violation.
互联网Finally, several approaches about how to enhance the power of project manager in Lucent and summarized.
文章还结合朗讯公司的项目管理实践, 分析研究了解决朗讯公司加强项目管理人员权力的几种途径.
互联网Increased Lucent Beam's casting range and lowered manacost slightly.
互联网Along these lines, Lucent also has developed a prototype voice - activated World Wide Web browser.
沿这种思路, Lucent( 朗迅)公司也开发了语音激励的万维网浏览器原型.
互联网It is the two kinds of gaps that result in Lucent's poor service in PHS.
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