He lowed his head in shame, his cumbersome face burning . His fingers felt gross and unwieldy.
他不好意思地低下了头, 臃肿的脸上火辣辣的,他的手指都变得笨重不灵,不听使唤了.
——辞典例句Opening its mouth, it lowed again as if in pain.
这时母牛又张开嘴, "哞----"地叫了一声,仿佛有什么苦处似的.
飘(部分)So he went away; but he said he "'lowed " to " lay " for that boy.
于是汤姆就走了, 不过,他临走时说还要 寻机 再教训教训那混小子一顿.
英汉文学 - 汤姆历险They lowed about her whom they knew, dewsilky cattle.
这些身上被露水打湿 、 毛皮像丝绸般的牛,跟她熟得很,它们围着她哞哞地叫.
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