[化] 百叶窗;
Detached from the external skin , rotating louvers enable exclusion of direct sunlight and associated glare.
互联网Bodies are heavily streamlined, tires are bigger, hood louvers are set in a horizontal line.
车身强化了流线型线条, 轮胎更大, 发动机罩散热栅被平行放置.
互联网Fabricate frames, concealed stiffeners , reinforcement , edge channels, louvers and mouldings from either cold - rolled or hot - rolled steel.
制造门框, 内加强筋, 加强板, 边槽,百叶窗和模件,可选用冷轧或者热轧钢板.
互联网A separate horizontal projection of louvers shades lower glazing.
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