Park loom, drawing machine, winding machine, Fumo and other machinery plastic accessories!
园织机 、 拉丝机 、 收卷机 、 复膜机等各种机械塑料配件!
互联网The shuttle flies back and forth on the loom.
——期刊摘选As such tensions increase, they loom larger in Russia's domestic politics.
——柯林斯例句Questions of military strategy, geopolitics and morality loom large, but so do questions of law.
就本次战争而言,军事策略 、 地缘政治和道德问题都是突出的问题, 同时,法律问题也很突出.
期刊摘选Banks should hold less capital in good times and reduce leverage when losses loom.
期刊摘选The projectile loom uses a projectile with grippers to carry the yarn through the shed.
期刊摘选Shuttleless loom replaces the inevitable trend that loom having shuttle is development.
互联网Trifles loom large to an anxious mind.
辞典例句A shuttle loom without automatic filling transfer can not be classified as automatic.
期刊摘选They loom larger on the agendas of multilateral organisations like the UN, the WTO and ASEM.
在联合国 、 世界贸易组织和亚欧会议这样的多边组织的日程上,这些问题显得越来越严重.
期刊摘选More and more environment problems loom up, and who are these problems caused by?
越来越环境问题隐约地出现, 并且谁是这些问题被造成?
期刊摘选Reasonable processing parameters for the air jet loom production are proposed.
期刊摘选A similar sturdy fabric made on a power loom.
手工纺织呢''.'纺织机'. ''织出的结实的织物.
期刊摘选Rotating Unevenness is an important dynamic quality of a weaving loom.
期刊摘选These countries loom big in the perspectives of European writers.
辞典例句At last the emperor wished to see it himself, while it was still on the loom.
最后皇帝希望看到它自己, 而这仍是对织机.
期刊摘选The old woman was weaving on her loom.
《简明英汉词典》How to pay the months bills began to loom very large in their mind.
期刊摘选The problems of crime and poverty loom large in many countries.
期刊摘选Hard choices loom in energy among dangerous nuclear power, dirty coal and expensive renewables.
面对危机四伏的核能, 重污染的煤燃烧和昂贵的可再生能源,做出抉择越来越困难.
期刊摘选Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world?
辞典例句Everyone in the hall looked at the empty loom and said, " Lovely! The most beautiful! "
大厅里的每个人都看着那台空织布机说: “ 好看! 美丽极了! ”
期刊摘选Cord and lip were weaved together by reconstructive K 251 type silk loom.
期刊摘选More and more environment problems loom up, and who are these problems caused by? Man!
越来越环境问题隐约地出现, 并且谁是这些问题被造成? 人!
期刊摘选HJ 738 M towel rapier loom is the towel weaving machine designed and produced subtly by our manufacturer.
期刊摘选Mists and fogs often flow around the two peaks, whose tops then loom through the clouds.
雾霭时常漂浮在两座山峰周围, 山顶隐现云雾之中.
期刊摘选Beyond the commission's deliberations, a large further set of Arctic legal uncertainties loom.
无论委员会的审议结果如何, 北极法定权利更深远的不确定性已经若隐若现.
期刊摘选Loom warp tension test system is made by PXI sensoracquisition, adapter and virtual instrument software.
期刊摘选The rapier loom is one kind of important loom type.
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