In many neighborhoods, someone forgot plan for that basic building block of livable cities, the sidewalk.
在许多社区, 有人竟然忘记为这些适宜居住的城市修建基础设施 —— 人行道.
——期刊摘选Their labor makes our cities healthier and more livable.
互联网Two of its cities - Munich ( pictured ) and Berlin - are often ranked among the most livable in the world.
德国的两座城市慕尼黑 ( 图中所示 ) 和柏林常被囊括在世界最宜居住的城市中.
互联网MCM wants to help see that this development is livable, sustainable and as beautiful as possible.
MCM愿意帮助中国发展是宜居 、 可持续和尽善尽美的生活环境.
互联网Longwan District should actively foster livable should venture investment and business environment for development.
互联网In other words, love comes into an imperfect world to make it livable.
也就是说, 因为爱才使这个不完美的世界变成了适合人类繁衍的地方.
互联网In beautiful mountains, dense river network, is a maritime monsoon climate, cool, livable appropriate provider.
境内山色秀美, 河网密布, 属海洋性季风气候, 冬暖夏凉 、 宜居宜商.
互联网Since all the maid were good and livable from whence come the evil wives?
互联网But now the origin and system of theories about livable city is still weak.
互联网Ecological Livable City has become a new card of our city.
互联网This livable areas in high - rises .'Stepped'terraced towers with a rich variety of characters appear.
台阶'上丰富多样的字符梯田塔的出现. 这些'山'的内部配备零售,工业,休闲和技术.
互联网The overall area of this apartment is 95 square meters , 80 percent of it being livable.
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