Litigant documents shall be delivered directly to the addressee in person.
——期刊摘选In litigant process, party still can remove entrust, but also answer written tell people court.
在诉讼过程中, 当事人还可以解除委托, 但也应书面告知人民法院.
——期刊摘选Let's assume for a moment that I am a litigant in your court.
柯林斯例句It is inadvisable to rely only on the litigant lawsuit mode.
期刊摘选Gathers identically after legally establishes, litigant should suitably fulfill.
合同一经依法成立, 当事人应适当履行.
互联网However, intermediation system has many shortages and objections in present litigant mode.
但是, 在现行的诉讼模式中调解制度还存在着诸多不足和缺陷.
期刊摘选In civil proceedings, the litigants shall have equal litigant rights.
期刊摘选The main causes for this institutional predicament involve court, litigant, judicial institution and lawsuIt'system.
造成涉诉信访制度困境的原因主要有法院的原因 、 当事人的原因 、 司法体制的原因和诉讼制度的原因.
期刊摘选Author point out emphatically: onus of proof is a legal liability of litigant, not other organization.
笔者强调指出: 举证责任是诉讼当事人的一项法律责任, 并不是其它机关的责任.
期刊摘选There monitors probe head's dead angle, then has had anything, only then litigant knew.
那里是监控探头的死角, 接下来发生了什么, 只有当事人自己知道.
期刊摘选Character evidence refers to the character of the criminal litigant participants.
期刊摘选Where a litigant does not submit a reply, It'shall not affect the court hearing.
对方当事人不提出答辩状的, 不影响人民法院审理.
期刊摘选Against the judge showing marks of honour to but one litigant.
期刊摘选The fourth part is the civil retrial procedure for the construction of litigant principle model.
期刊摘选Furthermore , clarification embodies the combination of authority and litigant the close relationship among them.
期刊摘选The judge must seriously peruse the litigant files, make investigation and study, and collect necessary evidence.
审判人员必须认真审核诉讼材料, 调查收集必要的证据.
期刊摘选But during the quite long society evolutionary process, the litigant actually exists as the lawsuit object.
但在相当长的社会演化过程中, 当事人却是作为诉讼客体而存在的.
期刊摘选The litigant may present new evidence at the court.
期刊摘选A litigant may inspect materials pertaining the case, and copy such materials and legal documents.
当事人可以查阅本案有关材料, 并可以复制本案有关材料和法律文书.
期刊摘选So, The Prosecutor Institution has the legal status of special litigant in lawsuit.
因此, 检察机关具有特殊的诉讼当事人的法律地位.
期刊摘选The litigant must carry out a legally effective civil judgment or ruling.
期刊摘选Litigant rights play an important role in the corse of the procedure of litigantion.
期刊摘选A litigant generally must make a motion in writing.
口语例句The litigant may not lodge an appeal against a legally effective verdict that terminates matrimony.
期刊摘选Burden of proof is a disadvantage consequence of litigant claiming for the fact.
期刊摘选Chapter 1 is the outline of the equality of litigant in civil action.
期刊摘选Touching the case, I suggest that we should go to ask the litigant.
关于这个案子, 我建议我们去问问当事人.
期刊摘选When the People's Court is hearing a civil case, the litigant has the right of debate.
人民法院审理民事案件时, 当事人有权进行辩论.
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