Beneficial area of litho - stratigraphic traps lie in the sequence - base level and beside the sequence boundary ( SB ) .
基准面旋回下降期和层序界面附近是有利的岩性油气藏 分布区.
互联网Litho: Short for Lithography. Also called Offset.
平版: 英文是简写. 亦称柯式.
期刊摘选However, the term lithography is generally in the sense of and in its shortened form : Litho.
可是间接 石印 的名称并不流行, 一般用“平版”一词代替.
期刊摘选The promising exploration target and the distribution of litho - traps have been pointed out and clear.
互联网Positive - working plates: Offset - litho plates which are exposed using positive.
阳片版: 用正片(阳片)晒印的柯式印版.
互联网Optimal selection of reserve parameters is the key to calculate the reserves of litho - logic gas reservoirs.
互联网Libertas is guaranteed for litho preprinting and laser printing.
互联网Offset - litho plates which are exposed using positive.
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