Amy was distressed by Helen's listlessness.
——柯林斯例句Common population, especially for those with symptoms of bad appetite, pale face , listlessness and excretory difficulty.
适宜人群一般人都可以吃, 特别适用于食欲不强, 面色苍白,精神萎靡、泻不畅的人群.
——期刊摘选Some readers might notice an air of listlessness emanating from LiS HQ this week.
互联网Despite a mystifying listlessness of manner, so strange in a girl of fifteen, she charmed him.
互联网Listlessness and silence denote the lover.
互联网These disorders can take the form of headaches, memory loss, listlessness, and sleeplessness.
这些疾病表现的是头疼, 记忆力丧失, 精神不振, 和失眠.
互联网In vapid Listlessness I leant my head against the window, and continued spelling over Catherine Earnshaw?
我无精打采地把头靠在窗子上, 接连地拼写着凯瑟琳?
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