There was no effect of the control antisense oligonucleotide on lipoprotein levels or oxidative parameters.
互联网Objective To study the adsorbability of tripeptide serine aspartic glutamic acid ( SDE ) for low density lipoprotein ( LDL ).
目的研究丝氨酰-天冬氨酰-谷氨酸 ( SDE ) 负电性三肽仿生吸附剂对低密度脂蛋白 ( LDL ) 的吸附.
互联网There was negative correlation between the plasma concentration of Fg and high - density lipoprotein cholesterol.
血纤维蛋白原浓度与 高密度 脂蛋白胆固醇浓度呈负相关.
互联网Some of it, HDL ( high density lipoprotein ), can actually protect against heart disease.
部分胆固醇, 比如HDL ( 高密度脂蛋白 ), 实际上能够预防心脏疾病.
互联网Some medicines lower the level of low density lipoprotein ( LDL ) cholesterol.
某些药物具有降低体内低密度脂蛋白 ( LDL ) 的功效.
互联网However, LDL ( low density lipoprotein ) cholesterol is the bad form of cholesterol in the blood.
然而, LDL ( 低密度脂蛋白 ) 胆固醇是存在于血液中的“坏”胆固醇.
互联网The oxidized low density lipoprotein plays an important role in the origin and development of Atherosclerosis.
互联网Objective To study the relationship getween plasma lipoprotein a and coronary heart disease ( CHD ).
目的探讨血浆脂蛋白aLpa与冠心病 ( CHD ) 的关系.
期刊摘选Mass spectrometry MS plays an important role in the study of lipoprotein metabolism.
期刊摘选Serum lipoprotein electrophoretogram ( SLPG ) could ideally express the serum lipoprotein dynamic balance ( SLDB ).
血清脂蛋白谱 ( SLPG ) 较理想地表达了血清脂蛋白动态平衡 ( SLDB ) 的状态.
期刊摘选Lipoprotein Lipase ( LPL ) plays an important role in plasma lipoprotein metabolism.
脂蛋白脂肪酶 ( LPL ) 在血浆脂蛋白的代谢中发挥了重要的作用.
期刊摘选The content of triglycerides determinated lipoprotein lipase was added decreased with the time for incubation extended.
期刊摘选ApoE is an important component of plasma lipoproteins, and plays significant roles in lipoprotein metabolism.
载脂蛋白E是血浆脂蛋白的重要组成成分, 在脂质代谢中发挥着重要的作用.
期刊摘选Subjects'fasting blood was obtained for measurement of lipoprotein concentrations, glucose and insulin levels.
受试者经隔夜空腹后,测量其血脂肪指标 、 血糖及胰岛素浓度.
期刊摘选Lipoprotein: Any of a class of organic compounds that contain Both lipid ( fat ) and protein.
脂蛋白: 既含类脂化合物 ( 脂肪 ) 又含蛋白质的有机化合物的统称.
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