Schlie? lich ist sein eigenes Trikot bei den internationalen Topstars mittlerweile mega - beliebt.
互联网An infamous elf wizard from long ago returns as a lich.
期刊摘选The Lich King may not be attempted until Professor Putricide, Blood - Queen Lana'thel , and Sindragosa are defeated.
巫妖王在Putricide教授, 鲜血女王Lana' thel 和辛德拉苟萨被击败前不会被激活.
互联网The Lich King told me how our encounter would end.
互联网Kind : Oh , Mama, es regnet scheu ? lich . Was machen wir jetzt?
啊, 妈妈, 是在下雨. 真讨厌! 我们现在 怎么办 ?
互联网Arthas: The Lich King knew that I would kill you?
阿尔塞斯: 巫妖王知道我会杀了你?
互联网Week of Lich: Double growth for Liches and Archliches.
巫妖周: 巫妖产量加倍.
互联网Great Lich Hefas resurrected the warrior and employed him.
互联网The Lich King watches over us minions!
互联网Brave the harsh new continent of Northrend, the icy domain of the Lich King.
开辟新的区域:诺森德大陆, 巫妖王的领地.
互联网Die Triode nennt man auch den Transistor , einschlie & szlig ; lich PNP und NPN.
互联网Ich spielte da schlie? lich noch bei den Amateuren.
互联网Tuz Kuz is a powerful lich adept at controlling insect minions.
互联网The Lich King yells: When next we meet it won't be on holy ground, paladin.
巫妖王: 我们下次见面的时候,将不会在圣地上, 圣骑士.
互联网As one of the undead, Sylvanas was subject to the iron will of the Lich King.
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