We are adjusting ( installing, checking, aligning, leveling, purging ) the equipment.
我们正在调整 ( 装 、 查 、 正 、 平 、 洗 ) 台设备.
互联网Silence leveling effect on your perspective, sharpening your powers of discernment.
沉默可以使你的看法更加全面, 使你的洞察力更加敏锐.
互联网The flow leveling mechanism and improvement measures of powder coatings are introduced.
互联网Evaporation . Excellent leveling property . Good adhesion. Chemical resistance . Good and tractility.
良好附着力, 耐化学品,耐煮沸,耐酒精,高光泽度,耐曝晒.
互联网Evaporation. Excellent leveling property. Good adhesion . Chemical resistance . Good flexibility and tractility.
自然干, 良好印刷流平性, 附着力好,耐化学品,加工抗拉可挠性好.
互联网No 3 engine feathered unable to continue climb, leveling at 7000 m.
三发顺桨,不能继续爬高, 7000米保持.
——期刊摘选Among the properties which do not show a leveling - off are the viscosities of solutions and melts.
辞典例句Gliding and leveling are considered in longitudinal landing simulation study.
期刊摘选UV on common additives have stabilizers, leveling agent, antiblowing etc.
UV上 平油常用的助剂有稳定剂 、 流平剂 、 消泡剂等.
互联网Leveling my character up is my favorite part of the game session.
互联网Additives: Leveling agent, anti - scratch agent, Run - paste version of the agent.
添加剂: 流平剂, 抗 划伤剂, 膏状润版剂.
互联网It's a solvent - free , self - leveling, particle compact hi - build epoxy floor coating.
无溶剂 、 自流平 、 粒子致密的厚浆型环氧地坪涂料.
互联网The main products are light roller, concrete leveling machine, engineering, light trucks.
主要产品有轻型压路机 、 混凝土整平机 、 工程照明车等.
互联网Leveling - network condition adjustment is a useful adjustment method for leveling - network adjustment.
互联网He was busy leveling the ground and laying turves.
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