Responsible for Lenovo DT DOA business charge of DOA index performance.
互联网Lenovo is aiming to claw back global market share.
互联网Monet's landscape painting, always make people's Lenovo a lot of.
莫奈的风景画, 总是让人联想颇多.
互联网Margins are deteriorating as Lenovo sells to customers outside China's top cities.
互联网Those positions are held by Acer, Lenovo and Toshiba.
这些位置上分别是宏基, 联想和东芝.
互联网Lenovo's mobile handset assembly facilities are in Xiamen, China.
联想手机的大会设施, 在中国厦门.
互联网But Lenovo owes its success more to retailing acumen than technological virtuosity.
互联网The company is Lenovo's commercial products, a senior agent channels.
互联网Lenovo is also coping with the pressures of success.
互联网Overall, how satisfied were you with your recent PC bought from Lenovo?
总体来说, 你对你最近购买的联想个人电脑的满意程度如何?
互联网Under these circumstances, the semi - ban on Lenovo computers seems a little paranoid.
在这种情况下, 仍然拒绝联想电脑似乎有些偏执.
互联网What is Lenovo aiming with its " turning out in full force "?
联想 “ 倾巢出动 ” 意欲何为?
互联网Lenovo: Securities Daily say Chairman Yang may step down.
联想: 《证券日报》称,董事长杨元庆可能会下台.
互联网Once again, thank you for contacting Lenovo.
互联网What , if anything, would Lenovo have done better? ( please be specific )
如果有的话, 你认为联想需要在哪些方面做得更好? ( 具体叙述 )
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