(姓氏) 朗缪尔(美国化学家, 1881-1957);
The adsorption isotherm of neptunium on silica gel corresponds to the form of Langmuir isotherm.
互联网The earliest work with plasmas was that of Langmuir, Tonks, and their collaborators in the 1920's.
在20世纪20年代, 朗缪尔 、 汤克斯及其共事者最先从事有关等离子体的研究.
辞典例句The results showed that the characte ristics of adsorption isotherms corresponded well with the Langmuir equations.
互联网At 25℃, the adsorption of SO 2 and NO 2 was fitted to Langmuir isotherms.
研究了在25℃时,MCM-41 中孔分子筛对SO_ 2和NO_ 2气体的吸附性能, 结果表明,MCM-41 中孔分子筛对SO_2和NO_2的吸附基本符合Langmuir型吸附模型.
互联网Langmuir - Blodgett ( LB ) technique is an advanced technique to prepare well - ordered ultra thin films in molecular level.
LB 膜技术是在分子水平上制备有序分子超薄膜的先进技术.
互联网Langmuir probe is a diagnostic technique of charged parameters in plasma.
Langmuir探针 是获得等离子体荷电参数的诊断技术.
互联网Langmuir probe is an important method for diagnostic of the charged particle parameters.
Langmuir 探针是诊断等离子体荷电粒子参数的重要手段.
互联网Langmuir model was the best model used in describing the Cd 2 + adsorption.
互联网Biosorption process was corresponding with Freundlich and Langmuir model.
互联网The parameters in Langmuir equation are characterized more by the precipitation than the adsorption of Cu.
互联网The ultra - relativistic electron acceleration by Langmuir plasmons in laser plasma has been studied.
互联网The equation of Langmuir waves in plasma and correlative the nonlinear Schrodinger equation.
互联网Langmuir Probe was used to understand the influence of plasma states.
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