(姓氏) 兰格;
Yesterday, Lange steel steel e - marketplace to continue to decline across the board.
昨日, 兰格钢铁电子交易市场钢价继续全线下跌.
互联网Lange was used for quadrature coupler.
互联网The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera Dorothea Lange.
互联网Hallo! Lange nicht gesehen!
你好. 好久不见!
期刊摘选But this hot m é lange acts like a liquid, not the ideal gas theorists had anticipated.
不过这团灼热混合物的行为却像是液体, 而不是物理学家原先预料的理想气体.
互联网The anguish languishing lady sang a slang m é lange plangently.
互联网On October 11 , 1965, photographer Dorothea Lange died in San Francisco at the age of 70.
西元1965年10月11日, 摄影师朵洛西亚?蓝吉以70岁的年龄去世.
互联网The back yard was a m é lange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat - looking umbrella.
后院是混杂的破旧柚木家具, 几块草地和一把拍动状的伞.
互联网Wie lange kann die stralende Schoenheit der Blumen dauern?
花的明媚鲜艳能有多长 呢 ?
互联网Lange ge originate before philosophy, and that's what's wrong with philosophy.
语言起源于哲学以前, 这就是哲学的错处.
互联网Lange sent her photographs to newspapers across the country, free of charge.
蓝吉把她的照片寄给国内各地的报社, 让报纸免费刊登.
互联网Am Morgen f? hrt er nach Ost - Berlin , dort hat er einen lange geplanten Termin in der Staatsbibliothek.
互联网Lange ( 2002 ) next addresses inviting student participation, especially in the early stages of scaffolding.
然后引导有魄力的学生参与进来, 尤其在支架的初期阶段.
互联网Kein Problem ! Und wie lange kann ich dort arbeiten?
您从什么时候起可以开始上班?星期一可以 吗 ?
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