Administrative Districts : The federation comprises 16 states ( Lander ), including Berlin.
行政区划: 全国分为16个州.
——期刊摘选The new lunar lander will be similarly improved, with updated electronics and materials.
新的月球着陆器将被同样地加以改进, 使用最新的电子仪器设备和原料.
——期刊摘选Honeycomb as type of a material have an extensive practice in soft landing of lunar Lander.
期刊摘选The lander would send this information to the orbiter and then back to Earth.
互联网Two years later, Polar Lander was lost during landing.
两年之后, 极地登陆者号却在着陆时迷失了.
互联网The general business conditions of Lander are accepted by this signature.
互联网It will release the British lander Beagle - 2 to collect and analyse Martian soil.
互联网Each spacecraft had two parts: an orbiter and a lander.
每个探测器都由两部分组成: 轨道飞行器和着陆器.
互联网Two years later NASA lost the Mars Climate Orbiter and the Mars Polar Lander.
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