Some devout men buried Stephen, and made loud lamentation over him.
徒8:2有虔诚的人、把司提反埋葬了 、 为他捶胸大哭.
——期刊摘选Only sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are left by them behind.
只有悲哀, 悲叹, 痛苦, 不幸和绝对是它们背后留下的.
期刊摘选And they will call the farmer to mourning , And for wailing to those skilled in lamentation.
又必叫农夫来哭号, 叫善唱哀歌的来哀哭.
期刊摘选The little that she said was all in lamentation of this inevitable delay.
辞典例句Moderate lamentation is the right of the dead, excessive grief the enemy to the living.
适度的悲伤是死者的权利, 过度的哀恸是生者的敌人.
期刊摘选The lamentation of the country mourning over the death of the beloved President was beyond description.
辞典例句Not arrives when side lamentation!
期刊摘选Acts 8:2 And devout men carried Stephen to his burial and made great lamentation over him.
期刊摘选Lamentation is an activity we would prefer to avoid.
期刊摘选There was lamentation throughout the land at the news of the defeat.
辞典例句Thus the wedding was turned into mourning, and the sound of music into lamentation.
如此,婚事变成了丧事, 乐声变成了哀声.
期刊摘选This ingredient does not invite or generally produce lugubrious lamentation.
哲学部分Their priests fell by the sword ; and their widows made no lamentation.
期刊摘选Moreover take thou up a lamentation for the princes of Israel.
期刊摘选The report soon spread among the beasts, and there was great lamentation for the sick lion.
这消息很快在兽群之间传开了, 大家都为病狮哀伤不已.
期刊摘选It's his own lamentation, and the lamentation of the nation all together.
这是他个人的哀歌, 也是整个民族的哀歌.
期刊摘选And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him.
2有虔诚的人,把司提反埋葬了, 为他捶胸大哭.
期刊摘选Hear this word that I take up as a lamentation over you, O house of Israel.
期刊摘选It was a time for mourning and lamentation.
柯林斯例句Through the total fading away and extinction of craving, decay and death, sorrow , lamentation, suffering, grief, and despair are extinguished.
彻底消除和根绝欲望后, 生老病死, 悲伤, 哀痛, 苦难, 不幸和绝望就一扫而光.
期刊摘选An utterance of grief a lamentation.
期刊摘选My life flows on in endless song above Earth's lamentation.
期刊摘选Full is the lamentation at heart.
期刊摘选This is grief with a focus, lamentation with a purpose.
这是有焦点的悲痛, 这是有目的的哀恸.
期刊摘选Not only aging and death also grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow come into being dependent on birth.
不只老和死, “愁、悲 、 苦、忧、恼生起”, 这些都是苦,“如是一切苦蕴集(生起). ”
期刊摘选Much lamentation followed the death of the old king.
辞典例句This is a lamentation, and shall be for a lamentation.
这是哀歌, 也必用以作哀歌.
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