Well laid back , muscular , strongly boned, with angulation to match the rear angulation.
自然向上, 有强壮的肌肉和骨骼, 与后侧部角度相当.
互联网Cozy cushions and jazz tunes enhance a laid back atmosphere.
——期刊摘选The congenial singer's laid back demeanor is at odds with his current wired state.
——期刊摘选The neck is strong and muscular, fitting into a well laid back shoulder.
颈部结实且肌肉发达, 与向后倾斜的肩胛接合良好.
期刊摘选The neck should be moderately short, strong, thick and muscular, blending smoothly well laid back shoulders.
颈部长度适中, 结实, 粗壮且肌肉发达, 平滑的与肩部衔接.
期刊摘选Anna laid back in the bath and stared at the bathroom tiles.
期刊摘选At the sound of foot steps, the dog laid back its ears and ran off.
期刊摘选The horse laid back its ears.
辞典例句Hawaii imbued Obama with the laid back , almost preternatural calm that has underpinned his political career.
期刊摘选The shoulders are long, sloping and well laid back.
肩部长 、 倾斜且与背部结合完好.
期刊摘选Canal Village, a laid back to be the small fish to swim wear and play chase.
运河里, 一条条小鱼悠然自得地穿来游去,嬉戏追逐.
期刊摘选If it is slow and laid back, slow down with them.
如果那里又慢又松散, 你也跟着慢下来.
期刊摘选The chest should well developed and deep with shoulders well laid back.
期刊摘选Nothing worried him, he was really laid back.
柯林斯例句The atmosphere in Wilder Kaiser is laid back and friendly and young skiers are especially welcome.
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