He has a bleeding de - gloving scalp laceration, multiple facial adistended abdomen, and an agonal breathing pattern.
下颌部头皮裂伤并出血, 面部多处损伤,腹部明显膨隆, 濒死呼吸.
互联网Results: Trachea and bronchus laceration were caused by injury.
目的: 提高对气管、支气管裂伤的认识.
——期刊摘选It occurs in the laceration and contusion as well as in the clean surgical incision.
——辞典例句Objective To increase the curative effect of extensive cerebral contusion and laceration.
——期刊摘选Objective To estimate the curative effect of anastomosed laceration canaliculus.
互联网Objective To observe the effects of silicon tube insertion for repair of canaliculi laceration.
互联网Objectives : To analysis the cause of uterine laceration with Micheal Stark Caesarian Section.
目的: 回顾性分析新式剖宫产术的临床资料,解析子宫切口撕裂的原因.
互联网Here, we report a 20 - year - old man sustaining major liver laceration with contrast extravasation and massive hemoperitoneum.
我们在此报告一位20 岁 男性外伤病例,患重大肝脏裂伤,合并显影剂滞留及大量腹膜腔出血.
互联网He has a laceration on his right forearm.
——期刊摘选Cardiac orifice mucosal laceration and oozing of blood were 100 %, but no perforation and massive hemorrhage.
术中可见贲门黏膜撕裂、渗血, 未见致命性出血及穿孔等并发症.
互联网He was taken to the local clinic and received thirteen staples to close the laceration.
互联网Objective To summarize clinical feature and therapeutic measure in and laceration of brain accompanied with hematoma.
互联网He has a laceration on his right arm.
互联网The main symptoms were subconjunctival hemorrhage, corneal epithelial abrasion, eyelid skin laceration.
眼部主要表现为球结膜下出血 、 角膜上皮擦伤 、 眼睑皮肤裂伤.
互联网Methods CT and MRI findings of shear - laceration of brain in 19 cases were analyzed retrospectively.
方法回顾性分析了19例脑深部剪裂伤的CT和MRI影像 表现和特点.
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