We should open up more avenues for employment and develop labor - intensive industries.
广开就业门路,积极发展 劳动密集型 产业.
汉英非文学 - 十六大报告And what is life like a cog in China's labor - intensive factory model ? Mr.
中国劳动力密集型工厂,类如齿轮一样的生活究竟是什么样子 呢 ?
互联网Shoes are labor intensive and wheat is capital intensive.
——期刊摘选Labor - intensive enterprises in coastal areas, export - oriented enterprises in the crisis are worst - hit.
沿海地区劳动密集型企业 、 出口导向型 企业在这次危机中所受的影响最为严重.
互联网Resource allocation: labor intensive equipment intensive information intensive to knowledge intensive.
资源配置: 劳动密集型设备密集型信息密集型知识密集型.
互联网He suggested that some labor - intensive enterprises in revenue to support.
他建议对于一些 劳动密集型 企业应在税收上给予扶持.
互联网China's labor - intensive products enjoy unique comparative advantages in the global market.
互联网The parts are very labor - intensive which makes them very expensive.
互联网In the physical world, both the retrieval system and the storage system may be very labor - intensive.
在物理世界中, 检索系统和存储系统都是劳动密集的系统.
About Face 3交互设计精髓If it is labor - intensive enterprises, the ratio will return.
如果是 劳动密集型 企业, 比例会相对提高.
互联网But this process is more costly and laber - intensive labor intensive.
互联网But this process is more costly and neighbor labor intensive.
互联网Many major companies have relegated labor - intensive jobs to China.
互联网But this process is more costly and labor intensive.
互联网As labor - intensive industry, the scope economy of textile industry is obvious.
纺织工业作为 劳动密集型 产业, 规模经济性比较显著.
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