Other of C include kiwifruit, broccoli, and of course oranges.
其他富含维生素C食品包括猕猴桃, 花椰菜和橙子.
互联网Extablishing the orchard was the premise of fruit growing and the base of the Hangyang kiwifruit.
互联网The 2007 has piercingly intense Marlborough flavours of fresh cut grass, gooseberries and kiwifruit.
2007年的葡萄酒有着新鲜的青草味, 黑醋栗味和猕猴桃的马博罗的香味.
互联网Ingredient: salt, Kiwifruit extract, Jojoba etc.
主要成份: 海盐, 奇异果萃取液 、 可可巴等.
期刊摘选The changes of sugar and related enzyme activity in kiwifruit during softening and senescence were researched.
互联网Cut a kiwifruit in half, then scoop out the flesh with a spoon.
将猕猴桃切成一半, 然后用汤匙舀出新鲜组织.
互联网Hongyang kiwifruit was the first red meat breed in the world.
互联网Kiwifruit has high antitumor effect, the level of vitamin C in fruits is the highest.
猕猴桃有很高的抗癌作用, 其所含的维生素C在水果中是最高的.
互联网Exports across a wide range of products have grown strongly - meat, wood products, wool, kiwifruit and wine.
其他商品的出口也有着强劲的增长,例如肉类产品, 木材, 羊毛, 奇异果以及葡萄酒.
互联网Ingredient: Kiwifruit extract, Aloe essence etc.
主要成份: 奇异果萃取液 、 芦荟精华等.
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