Mustard and ketchup are condiments.
互联网Lazio's owners are troubled food company Cirio makers of Italian ketchup.
互联网Would you give me some ketchup and chili sauce?
互联网Set all condiments ( ketchup, Tabasco, syrups, juices ) and beverages according to service standards.
按照服务标准准备好开餐所需调味品 ( 蕃茄酱, 辣椒酱, 糖水, 果汁等 ) 和饮料.
互联网Article Liquid or paste, like shampoo , honey jelly , juice, sauce, ketchup, flavor oil, etc.
包装物料液体、酱膏体, 如:洗发水, 果汁, 沙司, 番茄酱等.
期刊摘选For the sauce, use tomato ketchup, mayonnaise, cream, white wine & basil mix together.
用番茄酱, 蛋黄酱, 奶油, 白葡萄酒 和 紫苏叶丝做成沙司.
期刊摘选There's a spot of ketchup on the tablecloth.
《简明英汉词典》Use ladle to ladle out a little tomato ketchup on sliced chicken.
互联网How about mustard and ketchup?
芥末和番茄酱 呢 ?
期刊摘选We want a double hamburger with cheese, mayonnaise and ketchup.
我们要个双层汉堡,要中间夹奶酪 、 沙拉酱和番茄酱的.
期刊摘选With ketch bp or mayonnaise? With ketchup , eplease.
加蕃茄酱或美乃滋? 请加蕃茄酱.
期刊摘选Could I have some ketchup and napkins, please?
互联网I'd like some sausages, and I need some ketchup.
我想要一些香肠, 而且我需要一些番茄酱.
互联网They shouldn't forget ketchup, tomato juice, tomato sauce and paste.
他们不应该忘记番茄酱 、 番茄汁 、 番茄酱汁和糊.
互联网Mary, can you pass the ketchup bottle?
玛丽, 麻烦你递那瓶蕃茄酱给我,好 吗 ?
期刊摘选She spotted her dress with ketchup.
期刊摘选This device might be used for ketchup, honey, or sugar syrup . These devices are called viscometers.
该装置适用于测定番茄沙司 、 蜂蜜和糖浆的粘度,上述两种装置被称为粘度计.
期刊摘选You have ketchup on your chin.
期刊摘选Don't forget to buy me some ketchup on your way back.
期刊摘选Maruko : To go . Would you give me some ketchup?
外带. 可以给我一些蕃茄酱 吗 ?
期刊摘选You hope ketchup is a vegetable, since it's the only one your child eats.
你希望番茄酱是一种蔬菜, 因为你的孩子只爱吃这个.
期刊摘选Vincent: You know what they put on French fries in Holland instead of ketchup?
文森特: 你知道在荷兰他们把什么代替番茄酱放进薯条里 吗 ?
期刊摘选Can I have extra ketchup?
我可以多要一些番茄酱 吗 ?
期刊摘选I like ketchup on my sandwich.
期刊摘选Ketchup and pepper, please.
期刊摘选Well, would you like to have ketchup, konion, mustard or relish on it?
我是说, 您要加点番茄酱 、 洋葱 、 芥末或香料在上面?
期刊摘选To learn ; butter, plate, chicken and ketchup.
黄油, 盘子, 肉,番茄酱.
期刊摘选I squeezed out the last of the ketchup.
期刊摘选If you're going to buy blue ketchup , you might not buy traditional ketchup, McCracken said.
如果你买了蓝色番茄酱, 也许就不买传统颜色的了.
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